January Newsletter
A few things for our students to think about…………….
Students while you’re at school try and keep your feet dry! Puddles are for birds not middle schoolers!!! If your feet
stay wet for the 6-8 hours while you’re at school bacteria grows and can cause foot fungi and odor. An itchy
condition, known as athletes’ foot will cause a fungal infection that usually begins between the toes. There is an
over the counter medication to eliminate symptoms.
Come to school with layers of clothing on especially if it’s raining. Take wet jackets off and let dry during class.
If you’re sick……. stay home.
A few things for our parents to think about…….
Now that the rainy season is here, it’s all the more important to keep children safe and healthy. While you can
never control when it rains or how much it rains, what you can control is how to protect your kids from sickness.
There are actually pretty simple things you can do to keep your children healthy during the rainy season. Here are
ways you can keep them healthy so that they are always safe and happy even as the rain keeps pouring:
1. Be cautious about being outdoors
While it may be tempting and fun to play and dance around in the rain, it’s not exactly the healthiest of activities to do. If your kids are stepping outdoors, make sure they’re wearing the proper rain gear that will keep
them dry under the rain. Your children should also avoid playing in floodwater.
More often than not, floodwater is not clean. Another thing your kids should avoid is stagnant water, which is a
favorite of mosquitoes. The rainy season is also dengue season so it’s best to be extra careful.
2. Chase away the blues
People sometimes neglect mental health when talking about how to stay healthy during the rainy season. But it’s
something we all need to face. A lot of people, kids and adults alike, feel the blues the moment the rain starts
If you notice that your child seems to be feeling down or you can sense something isn’t quite right, act on it right
away. Be your child’s listening ear, shoulder to cry, or partner-in-crime in whatever activity that will chase the
blues away.
3. Getting the right amount of sleep
Getting the appropriate amount of sleep will strengthen your immune system and that will in return help keep your
child healthier. There’s nothing wrong with letting your kids play all their games or watch all the movies and series on Netflix they want to. Just make sure that they get enough hours of sleep so that both their minds and bodies can
4. Make sure they eat fruits and vegetables
It’s probably one of the most used sayings of all time. But there is a lot of truth to “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” We all learned early on in school that fruits and vegetables are a natural source of vitamins that help children stay healthy.
It can be easier said than done to get kids to eat their fruits and veggies- But keep trying their health depends on it!!
Double-check that you have a complete set of medicines in case your child ends up with a cold or cough.
5. Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize
The last thing anyone needs at this point in time is to worry about whether or not having a cough and cold are
just symptoms of the flu, or if it’s something worse. We know you’ve heard and read this time and time again. But
sanitizing is really your best friend these days.
Teach your kids to always wash their hands and to not touch their faces—especially their eyes and mouth. It also
helps to make sure that they make it a habit to carry a bottle of hand sanitizer or alcohol-based wipes when they
leave the house for school in the morning.
For more information on this subject and other ideas on healthy life habits contact
Kimberly Barbagelata LUSD Health Clerk 209-323-0005
or kbarbagelata@lindenusd.com
It is a year-round life style that keeps us healthy during flu season. It is taking advantage of the fruits, nuts, and vegetables that are locally grown. It is getting enough sleep and rest when your body is tired. It is exercising daily. It’s all easier said than done ask me- I know for sure!! My point is we have to take care of our bodies all year not just during or right before flu season.
We start giving our kids Halloween candy in October and it doesn’t stop till after Easter. We don’t want to deprive our loved ones or ourselves of all the sweet treats during the Holidays-but we do want to balance our intake. Make sure whatever you’re dishing out to those you love has some nutritional value with only a sprinkle of sugar.
Here is what the experts say……………….
Coughing, chills, body aches; it sounds like flu season. There’s no way to guarantee you won’t get the flu, but certain steps can help reduce the possibility. By learning more about the disease, what steps you can take to prevent it and what to do if you get sick, you can increase your chance of staying healthy or recovering more quickly.
What Causes Flu?
The flu is caused by a virus, or rather, a number of different virus strains. Viruses are tiny organisms that enter a host’s cells and force the DNA to start making copies of the virus. After multiplying itself many times, it leaves the cell, usually destroying the host cell in the process. Flu viruses are spread through the respiratory system. You can get infected by inhaling droplets from someone infected who is coughing or sneezing. You can also get the virus by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your face, particularly your eyes, nose or mouth.
Signs and Symptoms of Flu
Typical flu symptoms include the following:
It can be easy to mistake flu for the common cold, since many of the symptoms are the same. However, watch for the flu triad: muscle aches, feverish feelings and cough. Coughing is an especially tell-tale sign that you have the flu instead of a common cold.
Ways to Prepare for Flu Season
Stock up on supplies before flu season starts. Purchase tissues, hand sanitizer, hand soap and paper towels. Take a look at your medicine cabinet too. Replace anything that has expired and make sure you have pain relievers, decongestants, fever reducers, cough syrup and antihistamines. Test your thermometer batteries and clean your humidifier. You can also stock up your fridge and pantry. Plan lunches and dinners that will be easy to prepare, and purchase snacks and beverages.
Tips for Preventing Flu
Work to prevent infection with these practical tips:
Tips for Staying Healthy
In addition to working to prevent flu, you can also take general steps toward staying healthy:
What to Do if You Get the Flu
If you get sick, taking care of yourself can help minimize discomfort and help you recover more quickly.
When to Visit a Doctor
If your symptoms linger or get worse, or you’re concerned for other reasons, then visit a doctor. When in doubt, it’s better to seek professional medical advice.
Experiencing the flu is never fun, but by taking steps to prevent infection and taking care of yourself if you get sick, you can help stop the spread of flu viruses and improve your chance for staying healthy.
My hope is that this will help educate you in ways to take care of yourself and your loved ones
Happy Holidays,
Kimberly Barbagelata
LUSD Health Clerk
Stress management is something we all need to implement in our lives. Learning how to manage your stress takes practice, but you can do it. Here are 10 ways to make it easier.
1.Exercise-Working out regularly is one of the best ways to relax your body and mind. Plus, exercise will improve your mood. But you have to do it often for it to pay off. Focus on setting fitness goals you can meet so you don’t give up. Most of all remember that doing any exercise is better than none at all.
2.Relax Your Muscles-When you’re stressed, your muscles get tense. You can help loosen them up on your own and refresh your body by stretching, getting a massage, taking a hot bath or shower, and getting a good night’s sleep.
3.Deep Breathing-Stopping and taking a few deep breaths can take the pressure off you right away. You’ll be surprised how much better you feel once you get good at it.
4.Eat Well-Eating a regular, well-balanced diet will help you feel better in general. It may also help control your moods.
5.Slow Down-Modern life is so busy, and sometimes we just need to slow down and chill out. Look at your life and find small ways you can do that.
6.Take a Break-You need to plan on some real downtime to give your mind time off from stress. If you’re a person who likes to set goals, this may be hard for you at first. But stick with it and you’ll look forward to these moments.
7.Make Time for Hobbies-You need to set aside time for things you enjoy. Try to do something every day (15-20 min) that makes you feel good, and it will help relieve your stress.
8.Talk About Your Problems-If things are bothering you, talking about them can help lower your stress. You can talk to family members, friends, a trusted clergyman, your doctor, or a therapist.
9.Go Easy on Yourself-Accept that you can’t do things perfectly no matter how hard you try. You also can’t control everything in your life. So do yourself a favor and stop thinking you can do so much. And don’t forget to keep up your sense of humor. Laughter goes a long way towards making you feel relaxed.
10.Eliminate Your Triggers-Figure out what are the biggest causes of stress in your life. Is it your job, your commute, your schoolwork? If you’re able to identify what they are, see if you’re able to eliminate them from your life, or at least reduce them.
For more information on dealing with stress contact the LUSD Health Office for more information.
Kimberly Barbagelata
October Health Office Newsletter
Superfoods for Super-health
The foods you eat can positively impact your long-term health.
Consider incorporating the following superfoods into your diet to support your health and immune system:
Olive Oil
Goji Berries
Wild Salmon
**Many of these superfoods can be found in your local grocery stores. Look for them the next time you go grocery shopping**
Pumpkin and White Bean Soup
1 1⁄2 cups apple juice
1 15-ounce can white beans (drained)
1 small onion (finely chopped)
1 cup water 1 15-ounce can pumpkin
1⁄2 tsp. cinnamon
1⁄8 tsp. nutmeg
1⁄2 tsp. black pepper 1⁄4 tsp. salt
1. Mash white beans, onion, and water with a fork or blender until smooth. Set aside.
2. In a large pot, add the pumpkin, juice, cinnamon, nutmeg, black pepper and salt. 3. Add the bean mix to the pot. 4. Cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes, until warmed through. Makes: 6 servings Nutritional Information (per serving) Total Calories 140 Total Fat 1 g Protein 7 g Carbohydrates 28 g Dietary Fiber 7 g Saturated Fat 0 g Sodium 420 mg Total Sugars 10 g Source: USDA
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer deaths for women in the United States. Top risk factors include getting older, race and family history of breast cancer, which are things you cannot change. Regardless of your personal risk factors, you can use these prevention strategies to reduce your risk of breast cancer:
∙ Maintain a healthy weight.
∙ Exercise regularly.
∙ Avoid exposure to carcinogens and radiation.
∙ Abstain from drinking alcohol or limit intake to one drink per day.
In general, living a healthy lifestyle can help lower your risk of developing cancer and increase your chances of surviving cancer. If you are concerned about your personal risk of developing breast cancer, call or visit your doctor. For more information on risk factors, prevention tips and breast cancer screening, visit CDC link
Hello Waterloo Families,
My name is Kimberly Barbagelata. I’m the Health Clerk for Linden Unified School District. The Health Office is dedicated to the health and well being of all of our students and staff. I’m available to connect with you and welcome our families to reach out to me:
(p)209-931-0818 ext 804
My office hours at Waterloo school are Mondays and Thursdays 8am to 2pm
You can call anytime and leave a message and I will call you back!
Tips for staying well
While we are in school it is incredibly important to do everything we can to stay healthy and keep those around us healthy. Good hand washing and coughing/sneezing into your elbow is still super important. Keeping ourselves well rested as well as eating a balanced diet will help keep us healthy too.
Update your student health records at school
7th grade T-dap- It’s a good idea to make a doctor's appointment the summer your student is in 6th grade to receive their T-dap booster so that they’ll be ready for 7th grade. At that doctors appointment they will also administer #2 Varicella both are requirements from the state of CA.